Archive for the tag 'Openssl'



Sep 24 2016

Reuse PFX Exchange / IIS Certificate on Apache Web Server

Published by under Apache,Exchange,Mail

While generating a Microsoft Exchange (or IIS web server) certificate, take the opportunity to add extra domain names and reuse it on Apache web servers. This will save you a few bucks and time, unless the CA provides a certificate for multiple platforms. PFX is a popular exchange format on Microsoft software such as Exchange […]

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Jun 11 2007

Mysql Traffic Encryption with OpenSSL

Published by under Freeradius,Mysql

This is related to Freeradius software but can be applied to any application that needs to encrypt Mysql traffic. Freeradius is compliant to Radius protocol characteristics, which give ability to accomplish various actions, such as authenticate users. Number of caveats have been found, not related to the software but to the protocol. Joshua Hill from […]

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