Archive for the 'Misc' Category



May 07 2021

Nginx Behind Reverse Proxy 301 https to http Redirect When URL has no Trailing Slash

Published by under Nginx

An Nginx web server hosted on Kubernetes was sending back to me permanent 301 http redirects although I was sending https requests. The web server was behind a reverse proxy that was also running Nginx but it would be the same story with haproxy or another. Worst, the reverse proxy was redirecting http requests to […]

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Mar 25 2021

Free Gantt Charts Based on Time/Hours with Sparkline

Published by under Misc

I wanted to show the timeline of a disaster recovery plan on a Gantt style chart to make it look better than a boring list of tasks with start and end times, but I could not find any tool dealing with hours throughout a single day/24 hours. Gantt software such as GanttProject also offer too […]

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Jul 05 2017

Hardware Scanning and Auto Update in GLPI

Published by under GLPI

Having loads of physical sites, it is extremely difficult to keep track of device’s locations, and even if you do, you may not be aware some people moved computers or printers around to a new place without telling; It can also be useful to know where a device was last seen.More importantly, do you know […]

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Sep 24 2016

Reuse PFX Exchange / IIS Certificate on Apache Web Server

Published by under Apache,Exchange,Mail

While generating a Microsoft Exchange (or IIS web server) certificate, take the opportunity to add extra domain names and reuse it on Apache web servers. This will save you a few bucks and time, unless the CA provides a certificate for multiple platforms. PFX is a popular exchange format on Microsoft software such as Exchange […]

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Sep 13 2015

Apache Reverse Proxy 503 Permission Denied

Published by under Apache,Linux

Apache configured as a reverse proxy forwards requests to a web backend. But your browser throws an enigmatic 503 error: “Service temporarily unavailable”. The first thing I do is looking at the http logs in /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log, where I am getting some permission issue:(13)Permission denied: proxy: HTTP: attempt to connect to (*) failed You may […]

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