Archive for the tag 'graph'



May 11 2013

Freeradius Usage Graphs

Published by under Freeradius

Radius servers generate a lot of accounting records. Is it worth keeping them? Of course! Beside the fact they could be used to check if a customer was connected at a given date, or find out who got IP address X.X.X.X that same day, the most interesting is to generate Freeradius traffic usage graphs and […]

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May 16 2009

Graph Number of Freeradius Sessions with MRTG

Published by under Freeradius,Monitoring

You can easily graph Freeradius number of active sessions with a simple shell script, if you store accounting data in a SQL database. Use the script below for Mysql that you can easily adapt to other databases like Oracle or PostgreSQL. Check the complete list of supported databases by Freeradius.  A certain number of sessions […]

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